Limo Anywhere\’s Customer Relief Plan

At Limo Anywhere, our primary purpose is to help you and your business succeed. We know that the reduced and cancelled bookings you are experiencing are causing a lot of fear and uncertainty, and we want to help.

Right now, cancellations are up significantly. While they usually count toward your trip volume because even cancelled trips incur costs for Limo Anywhere, we will be implementing a plan so that all cancellations related to coronavirus will not count toward your trip volume on your next invoice. Most users who take advantage of this option will be in a lower tier and have lower monthly payments. You'll see this on invoices starting in early April. We will make determinations as events unfold for how long this policy will continue.

Limo Anywhere will be adding a custom status and payment method to allow you to mark any past, present, or future cancellations that are due to coronavirus. Not only will this enable us to eliminate them from your trip volume as your payment tier is calculated, it will also help you track these cancellations, which can aid in loan applications and loss reports. We will provide detailed information on this change with the release of the custom status.

We are working diligently on this update, but it requires changes that cannot be made overnight. However, we wanted to let you know as soon as possible that we care about what you are going through, and we have a plan to help.

Thank you for your continued trust in Limo Anywhere!


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