Lead Generation, Sales, and Client Relationships – Webinar Takeaways

During the first webinar in Limo Anywhere’s Virtual Academy Series, Josh Anderson and Brandon Edley discussed some of the upcoming improvements to the system that will enhance lead generation, increase sales, and improve your client relationship management.

There are some exciting changes coming soon that Limo Anywhere users can look forward to, but here are some of the key takeaways from the webinar and some things you can do to prepare yourself to maximize these tools.

Foundational Tools

  • Google Analytics

To determine what aspects of your marketing efforts are successful, you need tools to help you measure that success. Google Analytics is one of the free tools available that can be installed on your website, mobile apps, and booking widgets that allow you to see how visitors are interacting with your website, where they come from, changes in user traffic, and if a visitor converts to a sale or other desired action.

  • Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is another free tool that can be installed that can allow you to monitor a number of analytics within a single tool (including Google Analytics, AdWords, and Facebook Pixel). Having all of this information in a single location will help get a more accurate view of the data reported.

Generating Leads

  • To help enhance your marketing efforts, you should always be looking for new marketing channels. You may find new channels that have a lower cost per lead than those you are currently investing in. Having analytics to review will allow you to determine where you should be dedicating your ad spend to maximize the return on your investment.
  • Some popular marketing channels include Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Google AdWords, each of which will allow you to test performance with different age groups, income levels, job titles, dedicated budgets, and ad types.

Increasing Sales

  • Partner Marketing

Partner marketing is a type of partnership in which a publisher (a content creator such as a blogger or vlogger) is paid to generate leads for another company. By posting a link on their website or social media page, they help to drive traffic to their partner’s site. This is meant to increase the partner’s web traffic and boost their sales. There are two types of partner marketing:

  1. Agent Marketing Programs

An individual marketing deal made with an individual, like a travel agent, concierge, or through referrals.

  1. Affiliate Marketing Networks

Platforms where are large number of partner programs are offered by various companies, for example Commission Junction or Rakuten Advertising. These platforms allow you to utilize the agreements that have been created by the affiliate marketing network and they act as a middleman between you and their userbase.

  • Marketing with Agents

An Agent is anyone that is paid a dollar amount (either a flat fee or percentage commission) for generating that sale for the company. You can add agents in Limo Anywhere within the Company Resources tab. Existing Agents in the company's Limo Anywhere will display in the Agent list. Active Agents will be in black font, Inactive Agents will be in red font, and new Agents can be added by completing the blank form to the right of the Agent list. You can provide your Agents with a custom link that they can either share with users to book, or host on their website to help drive business, which will automatically attach the Agent profile to the reservation.

Improving Relationships

  • While emails and quotes can be sent utilizing Limo Anywhere, implementing an email marketing program (ex. MailChimp) and a CRM (ex. SalesForce) allows for greater opportunities for you to communicate with your client base and maintain the existing relationship with your clients. Stay tuned for more information about new Zapier Triggers that will help to create more lead generation possibilities and enhance marketing.


Thank you to Josh and Brandon for presenting this valuable information! As always, if you have questions or need further assistance, please reach out to Support at 1-888-888-0302 x2.

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