April 2022 System Updates

- Added Square as a payment gateway
We are happy to announce that we have launched Square! You can now connect to Square and process payments with Square directly in your Limo Anywhere system.
Please see our articles below on how to add Square in Limo Anywhere and use its features:
How-to Add Square as a Payment Gateway
How-to Add a New Credit Card on Square
How-to Use the Request Payment Feature for Square
- Implemented Stripe Credit Card form into Quote Conversion for Stripe users
We have now implemented Stripe on our Quote Conversion form. This will allow your clients to seamlessly convert their quote while capturing their credit card information with Stripe so you can process payments for those converted quotes in Limo Anywhere.
- Implemented Stripe MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order) functionality in Limo Anywhere
MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order) refers to types of payments where card details are collected by mail or over the telephone. These transactions are exempt from SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) and do not require authentication. This means that most 3D Secure credit cards entered into Limo Anywhere will not require you to send Payment Request. You may still need authentication and still have send a Payment Request on some credit cards that are required by the cardholder's bank.
For more info, see our article How-to Use the Request Payment Feature for Stripe.
- Disabled automated sending of the Initial ORES Credentials email when creating an account
- Added Primary and Secondary Driver Paylog ID as a column in R&A
We have added Primary and Secondary Driver Paylog ID as a new column to Reporting and Analytics. You can add this new column in R&A under Reservation>Driver Info>Driver Payroll.
- Added Affiliate Bill # as a column in R&A
We have added 'Affiliate Bill #' as a new column to Reporting and Analytics. You can add this new column in R&A under Reservation>Farm-Out Affiliate.
- Added "Alias" to Group By in R&A
We have added 'Alias' to Group By in Reporting and Analytics to allow you to group reservations by 'Alias' for a date range.
- Removed Alitalia Express Airline from our airlines list
- Updated the Airline Name for the Airline Code: AZ to ITA Airways
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where an error would occur if you updated a status, driver, and/or car on “Quick Edit”/”Detailed Edit” then immediately tried to ‘Batch Edit’ on Dispatch
- Resolved an issue where the Reservation Manifest Report gave an error if there was a “Time From” and/or “Time To” selected before creating the manifest